Andrea Gómez Cervantes
Andrea Gomez-Cervantes
Assistant Professor
B.S. Grand Valley State University
M.A. The University of Kansas
Ph.D. The University of Kansas
Dr. Gómez Cervantes’ research interests include immigration, immigration policies, race/ethnicity, gender, Latina/x/os, and families. In her current book project, Illegality in the Heartland, she investigates the effects of immigration policies on Latin American immigrants’ everyday lives and ethnoracial relations among Latin American immigrants. Dr. Gómez Cervantes is a University of California President’s Fellow, a Ford Fellow, and an American Sociological Association Minority Fellow. Her research has received support from the National Science Foundation. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in 2019. Her work appears in Social Problems, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Migration Letters, Sociology Compass, and Feminist Criminology.
Contemporary Families
Sociology of Immigration
Crime, Law, and Immigration
Global Feminisms: Violence, Power, and Resistance.